Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Google Rules

Google rules! Your website is a not a website unless you have a decent pageRank in some keyword searches from Google. Your website is a spam website if Google said so. Your location does not exist on the face of this planet if Google map can’t pinpoint you or if Google map API can’t geocode it.

I am still debating whether I should migrate all software engineers’ title from software developer to software engineer. Guess what, I “Google” to see how does Google, as a company, calls its software engineers. Sure enough, they are called “Software Engineers”.

Does Google trump over the state / provincial regulation regarding the use of the term software engineer(ing)? Possibly no! But we should go back to the basic -- what does the title do?

It helps others (especially those in the similar and/or related industries) to understand what do you do? If Google, Yahoo, and many other industrial leaders refer software professionals as software engineers, that’s a sufficient reason to use that title. What if these industrial leaders sunset and no longer blazing the trail in technology, should the title change? Why not, job titles should, and do, evolve. Do you know of any obsolete job titles? Jobs obsolete so do their titles.

Anyhow, if Google said that software professionals should be called software engineers, I will follow suit.

Do you Google?

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